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Quality, Cost, Delivery, Environment
Quality: One of the responsibilities of the Procurement Department is to select suppliers who can meet Canon Virginia’s high standards for quality. These suppliers must provide quality goods and services necessary to maintain the efficient flow of materials in the plant. For production parts and materials, our ultimate goal is to eliminate the need for receiving inspection by developing relationships in which we can rely on a continuous supply of zero-defect goods.
- Competitiveness - Canon Virginia must maintain its competitive position. Canon Virginia was established with the primary objective of working with suppliers located in the USA to manufacture cost-competitive products.
- Reduction - After establishing a business relationship with a supplier, Canon Virginia will expect and support the supplier’s efforts to continually increase efficiency, eliminate waste and reduce costs. This is accomplished through improvement in the five M’s: Machinery, Materials, Manpower, Measurements, Methods.
On-time delivery is essential to the smooth operation of Canon Virginia’s minimum inventory system. Early or late shipments can affect production and result in added costs. We rely on timely delivery from our suppliers.
As a result of our philosophy of Kyosei, we strive to prevent or minimize pollution and to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and corporate environmental policies. Canon Virginia aggressively works toward environmental preservation and requires all suppliers to accomplish such goals.